Green Beans

Green Beans Recipe

By Bb Kitchen


400g green beans

3 garlic cloves

2 medium tomatoes

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

A splash of white wine

Sea salt to taste

Chili flakes to taste

Basil (optional)


1Boil briefly (4/5 min) the green beans then move them to ice water to keep the green colour vivid.

2Chop roughly the garlic cloves and put them in a skillet with the oil and let the garlic become golden and soft (3/4 min)

3Add the chili flakes and the chopped tomatoes, cooking for 5/6 min until it gets soft but not totally smashed

4Add a splash of white wine and let it evaporate for 2/3 min

5Add the basil; and the green beans and mix well until they are well coated


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